
General rental conditions


General booking conditions

Article 1

This seasonal rental contract is reserved exclusively for the rental of Gîtes de France accommodation approved by the relevant departmental or interdepartmental office on behalf of the Fédération Nationale des Gîtes de France. The Fédération Nationale des Gîtes de France may not be held liable for any use of its contracts by third parties or for purposes other than tourism.

Article 3: conclusion of the contract

The reservation becomes effective once the tenant has sent the owner a deposit of 25 % of the total rental amount and a copy of the contract signed before the date indicated on the front. A second copy must be kept by the tenant. Under no circumstances may the rental agreed between the parties to this contract be extended, even partially, to third parties, whether individuals or legal entities, without the written agreement of the owner. Any breach of this last paragraph may result in the immediate termination of the rental to the detriment of the Tenant, with the proceeds of the rental remaining the property of the Owner.

Article 6: Cancellation by the owner

The owner will pay the tenant all the sums paid, as well as compensation at least equal to that which the tenant would have paid if the cancellation had been his fault on that date.

Article 7: Arrival

The tenant must arrive on the day and at the time specified on this contract. In the event of late or delayed arrival, the tenant must inform the owner.

Article 2

The tenant who signs this contract for a fixed period may not, under any circumstances, take advantage of any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 4: No right of withdrawal

For bookings made by post, telephone or internet, the tenant does not benefit from the withdrawal period, in accordance with article L121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, relating in particular to accommodation services provided on a specific date or at a specific time.

Article 5: Cancellation by the hirer

Any cancellation must be notified to the owner by registered letter.

a) cancellation prior to arrival :
the deposit remains the property of the owner. The owner may ask for the balance of the stay if the cancellation is made less than 30 days before the scheduled arrival date.
If the tenant does not show up within 24 hours of the arrival date indicated on the contract, this contract becomes null and void and the owner may dispose of the gîte. The deposit also remains the property of the owner, who will request payment of the balance of the rental.

b) if the stay is shortened
The rental price remains the property of the owner. No refund will be made.

Article 8: Balance

The balance of the rental must be paid on arrival.

Article 9: Condition of premises

An inventory is drawn up jointly and signed by the tenant and the owner or his representative on arrival and departure. This inventory is the only reference in the event of a dispute concerning the inventory of fixtures.

The state of cleanliness of the gîte on the tenant's arrival must be recorded in the inventory of fixtures. The tenant is responsible for cleaning the premises during the rental period and before departure. The amount of any cleaning costs is calculated on the basis given in the description.

Article 11: Use of the premises

The tenant must ensure the peaceful nature of the rental property and use it in accordance with its intended purpose.

Article 13: Animals

This contract specifies whether or not the tenant may stay in the company of a pet. If this clause is not respected, the owner may refuse the stay: no refund will be made. At the time of booking, the customer must indicate the number of pets that will be accompanying them. Where applicable, the description specifies any extra charges to be expected (pet fee, extra security deposit, extra cleaning charge, etc.). Specific terms and conditions for pets may be specified by the owner in the house rules displayed in the accommodation.

Article 16: Disputes

Any complaint relating to the state of the property and the description must be submitted to the Gîtes de France departmental or interdepartmental office within three days of occupancy.

Article 10: Security deposit

On the tenant's arrival, the owner will ask for a security deposit, the amount of which is indicated on the front of this contract. After an inventory has been drawn up and signed by both parties, this deposit will be returned, less the cost of repairing the property if any damage has been found.

In the event of early departure (before the time stated on the present contract) preventing the inventory of fixtures from being drawn up on the day of the tenant's departure, the security deposit will be returned by the owner within a period not exceeding one week.

Article 12: Capacity

This contract is drawn up for a maximum capacity of people. If the number of guests exceeds the capacity, the owner may refuse to accept additional guests. Any modification or breach of contract will be considered at the customer's initiative.

Article 14: Insurance

The tenant is responsible for all damage caused by him/her. He must be covered by a holiday insurance policy for these various risks.

Article 15: Payment of charges

At the end of the stay, the tenant must pay the owner for any charges not included in the price.

The amount is calculated on the basis given in this contract and in the description, and a receipt is provided by the owner.


Cancellation insurance


Multi-risk contract
You can cancel/change your holiday in the event of :
➤ Serious illness, accident, death
➤ Serious damage to the principal or secondary residence
➤ Accident or breakdown of means of transport
➤ Change of holiday dates by the employer
➤ Cancellation of a business assignment
➤ Redundancy
➤ Work stoppage
➤ Obtaining a paid job or work placement
➤ Summoned by an entity, an administration
➤ Transport strike
➤ Professional transfer
➤ Attack, riot, act of terrorism, pollution, epidemics
➤ Another random event preventing the departure or performance of the planned activities

Premium comprehensive policy
You can cancel/modify your stay for any of the reasons listed above.

Instead of cancelling for a covered reason, don't forget the Late Arrival Guarantee Get your unused days refunded and enjoy the rest of your stay.


Do you have to interrupt your stay?
We will reimburse you for the number of days not used if your stay is interrupted. Your luggage is lost or damaged? So that you are not left with nothing if your luggage is lost or damaged.

Do you have a health problem? You benefit from Repatriation Assistance for the duration of your stay.


Following repatriation, Mutuaide puts its extensive network of service providers at your disposal to simplify your return home. The following services can be offered (contact and payment of services)

➤ Sick care, child care
➤ Delivery of medicines, meals and household shopping
➤ Housekeeper
➤ Educational support
➤ Pet sitting


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